Not much shaking down, just an informational on Tuesday. While there isn’t any document links (except for the monthly financials) there are some notables;

• Indoor Aquatic Update (yawn)

• Public Parking Financials (maybe they need to check into the cell phone use of certain meter maids driving their electric rovers)

• Bump Back Ordinance.

As I understand the ‘Bump Back’ ordinance, it has to do with not allowing a director (who is replaced by a newly elected mayor) to take a demotion. In other words if you are replaced by a new appointment, you are sent packing. Still waiting for the details on this one, but here is the updated doc: bumpback

One Thought on “UPDATE: Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, 10/27/2015

  1. The D@ily Spin on October 26, 2015 at 1:18 pm said:

    Why would someone want to be a director if their career is threatened every 4 years? It’s enough that most of the council are ‘Yes to the mayor’ because of insider economics. Add all directors and the mayor controls both top levels of city government. It’s tyranny and a dictatorship.

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