Just got a report that I would like verified if anyone has information.
- Apparently the VA lost main power yesterday for several hours and had to depend on backup generator power. True?
- The power outage (if it happened) was due to either a planned or unplanned electrical work to the indoor pool. True?
Any deets would be nice.
I did notice a truck with crane working at a big electric-pole box on the north end of Spellerberg Park around 5pm yesterday.
From the VA to veterans;
“10/6/15 – Please power off any electrical devices that could be harmed when the facility goes to emergency power at 5:00 PM to finish repairs on the transformer damaged yesterday.”
Not sure how the transformer got damaged?
According to argus911’s twitter feed, a vehicle hit a pole/transformer in the area of the VA on 10/5/15 around 8:30 AM
I’m wondering if Excel has enough infrastructure in the area. Construction at Westward Ho and the Aquatics Center. Perhaps a new power line and substation. Power was out most of the day at the VA hospital. Computers, Xray, and medical tests down. State VA has offices there too. How about delay opening the Aquatics Center until area power requirements met?
Probably those darned Decepticons
Reader, Thanks for the update.
The D@ily Spin – how would you have any idea about the electrical infrastructure capacity of the grid in that area? The aquatics building isn’t even open/running so why would it have any current affect on the current neighborhood grid? I think you post just to hear yourself type most of the time!
“Power was out most of the day at the VA hospital. Computers, Xray, and medical tests down. State VA has offices there too.” Any confirmation of this or just wild guesstimates from your couch?
Whaaat, I was at the VA hospital in the morning. Went home and came back in the afternooon. Still no power. Went to the SD VA office too. Everybody down. I’m a combat veteran. You should join the Rolfing club, Citizens Against Veterans. There’s expansion on the west side and power infrastructure has not been upgraded. Most hospitals have redundancy and a substation nearby. One power pole down would not shut down Sanford.
This was a news event. Their report was a twitter comment. Veterans inside lacked life support. Veterans outside in wheelchairs all day after they’d traveled 200 miles for health care. Unless your cubicle or cocoon are affected, the public and the media could care less.
So the VA joins the multitude of government and private entities that are ill-prepared, if at all prepared, for any contingency situation. Hire a Business Continuity manager or consultant to prepare your business/organization. For leads, contact the local chapter of the Association of Contingency Planners, a profession association of such individuals. (Disclosure — self included.) Red Cross and FEMA are not the best resources for everyone — just sayin’.
L3wis, looks like teatime is using your blog to advertise her services (so far, twice).
Maybe, she ought to be up-front and pay you for your services.
You know, teatime, as in full-disclosure…..
The D@ily spin – if any of this is correct, you KNOW someone would have blown the whistle and alerted FearMonger News (KELO) and they’d have sent a roving backpack reporter there to capture the tears.
“This was a news event. Their report was a twitter comment. Veterans inside lacked life support.”
OK anon, BLATANT disclosure — I include it to show I’m not an amateur. Actually, I’m too swamped for more work, but know others in the field(s) if someone needs some assistance at a decent price for essential services. No kickbacks, either. Gosh, just trying to help out, just sayin’.