South DaCola

Jennifer Stalley is a very busy person

In September I did a story about Stalley and her relationship with MMA fighting. We quickly found she had another calling also, animal healthcare.

But Stalley’s job description gets even more detailed after I watched a story today about regulating massage therapists in Sioux Falls. She also has another title;

South Dakota Board of Massage Therapy Executive Secretary

WOW! When does this lady sleep? I commend her for wearing so many hats, but you gotta scratch your head about the relationship between MMA fighting, animal healthcare and massage therapy? Well there really isn’t one.

Like I said, seems like Stalley is a hard worker and good for her, but it also makes you question why the state has to tap the same person (who is a lobbyist) for these multiple positions? Is the state that hard up? Probably, just look at the clowns that worked in the SOS office under Gant.

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