Another thrilling Tuesday at Carnegie (this time back to the regular schedule. I guess there were no music award shows or chamber events to attend 🙂
• During the Informational meeting Director Mike Cooper is asked to play defense on ‘Shape Places’ as many citizens over the past few months have been questioning how it is supposed to work.
• During the Public Services meeting, the administration is playing defense again on an access road that has yet to be built in a subdivision.
• On Thursday there is another Charter Revision Meeting. Expect some public input from some South DaCola foot soldiers.
• During Tuesday’s regular council meeting, the agenda may be short, but it’s packed full of all kinds of ‘fun stuff’.
- Items 7-8, our sewer and water rates are going up again (hey, I thought we were rolling in money? Why a rate increase again?)
- Item 9, 1st reading of Councilor Rolfing’s ‘bump back’ ordinance. I am on the fence on this one. Part of me thinks that if you are bumped for a political appointment, tough cookie, but I also have an issue with losing a knowledgeable city employee because of a political appointment. But, hey, the city fires qualified/valuable city employees all the time because of politics.
Looks likes a hot, and quick mess to me.