3 Thoughts on “SIRE Broke again, we need to depend on the Mayor Cam

  1. The D@ily Spin on November 11, 2015 at 11:06 am said:

    When it’s all bad, it’s broke. Were it good news, Huether would arrest everyone to make them watch it. I hope Mayor Cam can be used in court.

  2. As usual lately when we need to use the city of Sioux Falls SIRE video system it crashes and is generally a piece of crappy junk. Take this November 10, 2015 meeting for instance. SIRE did not work all day before the meeting and it still didn’t work after. As I put this piece up, SIRE is still not working. What a piece of crap.

    We were trying out our new camera as mayorcam with the old one running backup and it’s battery failed. Oh well…

    So no mayorcam and no SIRE video for this Public Input. But Public Input was still good.

    Greg Neitzert discussed Mike Cooper’s interesting butt covering he was attempting to accomplish at the afternoon informational. In a sense Cooper was saying he doesn’t care if they mistakenly and illegally changed zoning for properties. Why should anyone care if the work was legal?

    I couldn’t do some research on SIRE and got a bit perturbed. The council heard about it and found out I had purchased the website http://www.siouxfall.org to host city videos. Since the city can’t seem to accomplish it, why don’t we try. I also asked when the March 2015 land sale documents the city attorney office used White-Out on to “fix” their mistakes was going to make back to the council for legal passage. What a sloppy operation our Cracker Jack city attorney office we have in place if they think they can fix legal documents with White-Out. Look for more fun on the rail yard land process. Oh and while I was at it made me wonder what has happened to the missing North Phillips Avenue origami bird art piece. Is it going the way of the marble statue of David base which seemed to fly away while David was taking his nap in the city scrapyard.

    The city worked so hard to stop us from getting video they killed the system and it won’t come back. Or do they not want it back?

  3. The D@ily Spin on November 12, 2015 at 11:15 am said:

    It’s not easy to earn status as 47th most corrupt state. I’m guessing but Sioux Falls is at least 90% of this designation. First Premier and Sanford Hospital has made this a company town. The city sponsors hotels and private clubs. The worst crime here is not supporting the company store. The ‘answer’ for the homeless is arrest and railed to jail.

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