As you may or may not know, Mike Myers was arrested on November 3 on the campus of a public university at USD in Vermillion, SD. Below is his citation for TRESPASSING. I will be posting more video tonight of our mini-documentary we filmed this pass Sunday about the situation.



3 Thoughts on “The Arrest of Mike Myers

  1. anominous on November 10, 2015 at 8:03 am said:

    I would like to buy a ticket to the court appearance, if there are any left.

  2. The D@ily Spin on November 10, 2015 at 8:10 am said:

    It’s time for the mall cops at the University to get some police training. Everything about this arrest was unconstitutional. Because it’s a ” LAW” school, this story deserves national attention.

  3. anom – he is only making a plea on December 1st, then the fun begins. I think the University is going to try to cut a deal with him before it gets to a courtroom, but that is just my speculation.

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