Many of my artist friends have often asked me why I don’t participate locally much anymore. I will be honest, I’m F’ing bitter. You often read about the arts in this community and I get really ill to my stomach when I hear about ‘opportunities’ but they just don’t include anything monetary.

Recently I had a show at a community college in Minnesota. Not only did they not charge me a commission on my sales, they paid me to have the show there. This happens rarely in Sioux Falls.

People need to realize, artists don’t do this out of the goodness of their hearts to entertain people, they would also like gratitude for what they do. And even if they don’t, a reimbursement for supplies would be nice.

I wrote this little booklet several years ago, and ironically it still applies.

(Click to enlarge)


2 Thoughts on “The Arts in Sioux Falls and South Dakota

  1. The D@ily Spin on November 4, 2015 at 9:50 am said:

    I agree. Local art doesn’t get attention in SD. People are simple lacking style and expression. This culture is pickled from cubicle and rural agriculture jobs. There’s no creativity beyond remembering to take bathroom breaks. It shows when we reelection ignorant corrupt politicians. There are a few Terry Redlin’s but there’d be more with support and encouragement for starving artists. There won’t be help from public money. It buys cage fighting, gun range pawn shops, and indoor sports for wealthy snobs.

  2. I think there is local interest in local art, including what I do: writing. The problem is that some of the organizations that are in a position to promote art, and support artists, don’t really do it. The other problem is the lack of public funds for art. For example, a few years back I was paid $650.00 to speak about one of my books in Minnesota. That would never happen in South Dakota.

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