Either this empty container at Monk’s shows how popular the free condom program is or how unpopular it is for the health department staff to refill the dispensers.

I think the bartender said something to the effect, “People must be triple wrapping.”

Not that there is anything wrong with that.


By l3wis

5 thoughts on “I guess the city is giving out FREE invisible condoms”
  1. Here, anything free is popular. Otherwise, tips for Star Wars laser light swords.
    Not a good idea for public dispensers. Prank pinholes cause unwanted pregnancy.

  2. Put them in quarter machines in bathrooms. Always stocked. Less offensive. Everybody has a quarter or ask bartender. Amazing, city can’t assist county with welfare but they do provide free condoms and needles.

    On the seventh day God was tired. He planned on putting brains into city officials the next morning. Overnight, they escaped and were never recaptured.

  3. With birth control where will the next generation of cubicle credit card slaves come from?

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