After I got off the floor from laughing, I was better able to evaluate this press release;

“Sioux Falls is made up of diverse backgrounds, abilities, economic status, and beliefs, and all of us deserve to live in a compassionate community,” says Mayor Mike Huether. “Our citizens regularly demonstrate compassion by sharing their time, talent and treasure, but even more can be done.”

This coming from a guy who preyed on the poor and financially inept, selling them credit cards they could never pay off.

Becoming a compassionate city will encourage Sioux Falls residents to work together to alleviate the problems of inequality and disrespectful behavior, which will end fear and ignorance that creates distrust and division.

You want to know what creates distrust and division? A city government that is not only neither transparent with it’s citizens, but with it’s councilors and employees. A police department that can’t be forthright about when officers screw up. A mayor who continually lies about the process with the backing of a city attorney, who should be looking out for the best interest of the citizens and protecting the city charter and US constitution, not the mayor’s lies.

Oh, but the ‘compassionate’ advice keeps a coming;

• Connect with individuals, organizations, and local government.

Yes, and when you get to involved, you are labeled as a ‘gadfly’ and told you are ‘tiresome’. Another ‘feel good’ initiative like the ‘Sioux Falls Has Jobs’ campaign that doesn’t really solve the issues at hand.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Mayor Huether treats ‘Compassion’ like he treats ‘Transparency’. Do as I say, not as I do.”
  1. The City website states you can fill out the online form to affirm you are making a public commitment to the principles expressed in the Compassionate Sioux Falls Program.

    Is there any way to see the list to find out if the Mayor (and the City Councilors) signed it? It did state “public”.

  2. That’s why the press release says “Our citizens regularly demonstrate compassion…” and “will encourage Sioux Falls residents” it says nothing about our local government participating or changing, and under Huether I’m sure it won’t.

    Cuts to Paratransit? Indoor tennis courts for the rich? Rounding up the homeless with no regard to the cost to the county or the courts? (or the long-term costs of a new jail – which the citizens of Sioux Falls will have to pay for as well) Firing a mentally ill city employee? He wouldn’t sign off on free bus passes for kids? He makes suicide watch jokes if he can’t be in politics?

    Steve Hildebrand who worked with Huether to get him elected as Mayor the first time around describes him as “apathetic”. That makes it really hard to be compassionate. If you don’t care about the people you represent, you shouldn’t be in politics.

  3. This is just Agenda 21 crap. Just like Shape Places, they get this crap from the internet, think its the cats meow, then find them selves explaining why the rich are getting richer, rings true doesn’t it Cooper and Schmitt. I remember a lady speaking at the City Council Meeting in March 2013, calling out our City and Zoning idiots as being part of IGLECEA which was Agenda 21, Of course council members such as Earpenbach were shocked to be called Nazis, so the memebership ended soon after. But the ugly Walmart is still being built, they are members of Soros BS too. I sure hope this city wakes up to the BS of Shape Places and gets it under control before damage is not reversible. THink about the number of apts being built, the cost per month( which is really accelerating), the number of houses in the core of town being torn down, or will be soon. The welfare rolls will only grow with the greed of our mayor and council, and developers. Wait til the lofts downtown are crap, the buildings won’t be maintained( they were crap to begin with most of them) and the Bishop Dudley house will expand to the west of the railroad tracks, and fill them up and stick the bill to the Fed. A clowns in action in our town. Merry Christmas

  4. Huether must be bipolar. I wish he’d look around (for real) at the homeless and empty store fronts. There’s a new events center that’s falling apart and can’t be monetarily justified. How about the public funds tennis barn that’s never open or the public baths reserved for the rich kid swim team? I’m compassionate, for the next mayor who inherits insurmountable problems and massive debt. Compassionate for citizens who live in a surreal city and can hardly make it between pay checks without payday loans, pawn shops, and high interest credit cards.

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