One of our favorites, Bob Kolbe, local historian, former Minnehaha County Commissioner, clock fixer and all around knower of things spoke to the Sioux Falls Democratic Forum on Friday January 8, 2015.
Bob discussed his work on the county commission, taxation, funding of county operations and his views on future operations for the county. He will touched on the city’s short sighted renaming of Powder House Road this past year and the attempts to put sensible street naming on the ballot. Bob reminded us of the Minnehaha County Historical Society presentation on the historical background for the original Powder House Road designation on January 21, 2015, 7pm.
The Minnehaha County Historical Society 3rd Thursday Program ” Powder House Road History x Two” will be at the Old Courthouse Museum, Downtown Sioux Falls.
Bob and you have 1 big thing in common, the adoration for yourselves.
Whats the sensible street naming about? The ridiculous street naming in this city should have been shit canned 20 years ago. I would fully support starting over again. Keep a few named streets for nostalgia and call the rest by a numbered system.