South DaCola

Councilor Erpenbach tries to splain away the agenda posting dates, blames hurtful people


Agenda item #23 from the Sioux Falls City Council meeting on January 19, 2016 was conceived as a way to justify taking away the public’s right to know what was going to happen in city meetings.

Michelle Erpenbach admitted she needs the Friday posting deadline so she could do her homework in preparation for the Tuesday sessions. So do we. If this item is allowed to pass on February 1 we will no longer have enough time to contest agenda items.

Public input was respectful and strong earlier in the meeting. By the time this item was brought up the presenter the council knew the room was not with them. Michelle made some inappropriate comments about the citizens in attendance. She didn’t seem to understand the crowd was with her until she decided to chew them out.

Lori Hogstad took one for the team and admitted she authored this change. We’ll accept this but she also said she could put the Friday back into the ordinance. We are counting on it.

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