
A dramatic piece of Sioux Falls City Council theater just happened on January 19, 2016. Rex Rolfing was supposed to present the rental car tax ballot proposal but decided to break Council rules by having a private citizen do it instead. Poor Dale Froehlich, chairman of the SFDF board who was doing Rex’s job, was left standing bewildered at the podium as the Mayor and Rex Rolfing argue Robert’s Rules and Council procedure.

A few Council concepts to understand:
First, the City Council has a period for Public Input at the beginning of every meeting where anyone can show up to talk about any topic not a resolution or 2nd reading.
Second, the 1st reading is a procedure reserved for staff or Council members to present the item for further discussion and then establish the vote.
Third, No private citizen is allowed to present an item for final vote placement.
Fourth, Don’t arrange questionably legal secret Executive Sessions to place your personal projects on the agenda and ballot.
Fifth, Don’t argue with the chair in public, it’s not respectful and it could be hurtful.

Let’s just say, all but Rex sided with the mayor. Dale went to sit down with Tim Stanga as Rex placed the motion to a stunned room. Can we say it was a proposal for disaster?

4 Thoughts on “I can follow your rules . . . what were the rules again?

  1. The D@ily Spin on January 21, 2016 at 12:50 pm said:

    I’d never start a new business in Sioux Falls because of all the red tape and pockets to pad. Here’s an opportunity to run a free bus to/from Tea where there could be a huge rental car facility with free lease for all rental car entities. Tea would enjoy the sales tax and consumers (mostly business on a budget) would realize substantial savings. Perhaps the same bus for hotel check-ins without the added sin taxes. The Tea exit is improved and there’s lots of land. Maybe also new hotels and a new shopping mall. It’s a pleasant trip for visitors down I-29 past newer parts of town aside from down empty store fronts and the jail along Minnesota Ave..

  2. The D@ily Spin on January 21, 2016 at 12:59 pm said:

    If billionaire developers refocus on Tea, our city would no longer have paid off corrupt politicians and we can restore democracy. Yes to the rental car tax but make it $10/day. Also, more hotel tax. Call it a resort tax and make it 20% to assure business and visitors stay in Tea, Brandon, or Hartford.

  3. The D@ily Spin on January 21, 2016 at 1:02 pm said:

    It’s a great idea. Thanks Rex.

  4. I’ll give a tip of the hat to the credit card phony bologna mayor. That was utter horseshit what REX was attempting to pull.

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