South DaCola

Moment of Zen; Councilor Rolfing gives first closing innvocation


Rex Rolfing can be entertaining and aggravating. You choose. Our Council Chair in waiting often complains about men wearing hats and weird jokes but he is Rex after all. At the end of one of best, most engaging Council meetings we have ever witnessed, Rex had some new business to discuss with the room and city.

We never know what is going to spill out of Rex and he didn’t disappoint. Good thing we had our big kid clothes on or we would all have been paddled. Ah, we won’t go there…. Anyway…

After a night of some Council missteps, disappointments and respectful public input, our councilman Rex decided he had had enough and began to chew the audience out for calling the dais members to task on this chilly in in the chamber, January 19, 2016.

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