January 2016

Un-happy ending to massage talks, Sioux Falls City Council Public Services Meeting, Jan 12, 2015


We’re shocked I tell you here in river city and Michelle is leading the charge? O.M.G. what was Michelle thinking to go off on this kind of rant? I think anyone who would use their ethnic culture to sell sex is far more racist then someone who would call them out on the practice.

It was even more ironic for Erpenbach to be calling out a therapist who has spent thousands of hours in Asia training in these ancient therapies (actual therapies not handjobs).

I sometimes wonder what planet some of our city councilors live on.

Watch the full meeting here under Public Services.

RIP Ziggy

This has always been one my favorite Bowie songs. It’s basically about being a weird teenager and how your friends think you are cool the way you look and your parents are mortified. It’s probably about some other shit to. Who know with Bowie 🙂


The Return of $25 Dollar Paintings

FOR SALE, each are $25 + shipping (Free Delivery in Sioux Falls)
ALL have custom frames and are under glass.

‘Another Crispin’ 7.25 x 9.25″
‘Band Wagon’ 6.5 x 8.5″
‘Block Party’ 6.25 x 8.375″
‘Crater-Face’ 7.875 x 7.875″

Click on images to enlarge









Write your own caption – toilet legislation


Only in South Dakota we would be worried about this, or more importantly who is watching us urinate. This isn’t about modesty, this is about bigotry.

We like to make things sexual and we like to make things about people’s genitalia and about people’s bodies.  As far as the man in a dress theory or boy in a dress theory that’s inaccurate,” Heathscott said.

When the legislative session ends each year, we sit around and scratch our heads and ask why we are dead last in education, wages and other matters socially important to progress.