South DaCola

Shorter Posting times makes government more efficient? Not for the public.

The Sioux Falls City Council agendas have been posted on Fridays since the dawn of time, and posting those agendas hasn’t slowed government down one bit. It has, however, given the public the opportunity to review the agenda over a longer period of time, and let’s be honest, that’s what the council and administration are worried about;

The Council is also proposing swapping the agenda posting days from Friday to Monday to make it easier for contracts to make the deadline by Monday.

Danielson, however, said he believes it is an effort by the council to put the public in the dark.

“They are doing everything possible to circumvent the group of activists out here that are trying to preserve our rights,” said Danielson.

Karsky said they are meeting the state’s 24-hour agenda requirement and that the public shouldn’t be worried about under the table proposals.

“We’re just trying to make our government run more efficiently. What are we slipping in? It’s posted. We’re doing what the state says we have to do and we’re just trying to make government run more efficiently,” Karsky said.

I asked a Minnehaha County official yesterday why they choose to post their agenda on a Friday before their Tuesday meeting (since they only have to follow the State’s 24 hour rule also). They told me that it would be hard to meet the 24 hour deadline since they would have to have the agenda posted by 9 AM Monday, and would just be easier to get it done on close of business day on Friday. In fact they told me that previous county administrator McFarland just preferred to have it up when he left on Friday so it could be up over the weekend for people’s review and wouldn’t have to scramble to get it completed on Monday. Imagine that, customer service and actual efficiency in government.

Some others have expressed to me that maybe the new city clerk (with no clerking experience, and will be making the same salary on day one as the current clerk makes when she retires, around $87K) may need the extra time to get the agenda together, even though his two assistant clerks have been doing this for years.

This is no more then an opportunity to close the public review time down, councilor Karsky’s smirky face says it all in the above interview.


The council will also be taking public input once again on the boulevard gardens, in that mysterious time somewhere between 4:15 and 6:45 PM. Just hang out, you will get your opportunity eventually.

It is predicted that the administration will be bringing their recommendations to the table at the meeting, which may or may not include condemning all homes that are adjacent to 36.5″ Day Lillies in the boulevard, even though the Fire or Police department have NOT been able to give us concrete evidence that tall flowers have caused mass casualties and killed more toddlers then Polio.

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