Expect to hear at least one announcement next week for someone running for the Northeast district that will be left vacant since Anderson is term-limited.

I also pulled petitions for Minnehaha County Commission as an independent candidate in the November election. I’m not sure if I will submit the petitions or not, just gathering at this point. I have until the end of April to decide.

Two seats are up for grabs, Dick Kelly and Jean Bender. Not sure if either has decided to run. The two top vote getters become commissioners.

The School Board will hold an Election to fill two vacancies when the terms of Kent Alberty and Carly Reiter expire in July. The School District’s annual Election will be held in conjunction with the City of Sioux Falls Municipal Election April 12, 2016 from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. I haven’t heard of any challengers at this point.

6 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council Candidate announcement next week.

  1. The D@ily Spin on January 22, 2016 at 2:04 pm said:

    The state of the city is a mess. Councilors have no authority but are yet responsible. There’s no respect and you must stay silent at council meetings. Strong mayor dictates everything and your only input is voting on one day liquor permits. Don’t run for council …. RUN

  2. Big Guy on January 22, 2016 at 3:49 pm said:

    Scott, I still hope that someday I would see your name on the petition. I know you’ll do awesome job. You may get sandbagged but I also know you’ll kick asses. We need some grassroots in the council, not bunch of elites!

  3. anonymous on January 22, 2016 at 3:56 pm said:

    Dick Kelly was on Rick Knobe’s show. He said he is running again.

    Are there no term limits for the county commission seats?

    If not, Dick Kelly certainly is a case for why there should be!

  4. Winston on January 23, 2016 at 1:59 pm said:

    I was in the sixth grade, the first time Kelly ran for political office. Next month, I turn 55…Just saying….

    I only believe in term limits if it is designed with a “sitting-out” period. I don’t have a problem with politicians returning to power as phoenix candidates. My only exemption to this rule would be for Governors or Presidents. In those cases, two terms should be the total max, consecutive or not.

    But currently, the Dems do not have a US Senate candidate, our City leaders are pleading for more Council candidates, and there doesn’t appear to be much interest in the pending local County Commission and School Board races either. Right now, the debate should not be term limits rather the lack of citizen involvement in our political process should be of a much greater concern to us all….And we should be thankful for the caretaker leaders we have now, because I don’t see a lot of candidates behind them trying to chase them down.

    The next time you vote. Take a look at who the people are that are running our polls. You seldom see a young person involved. Oh I know, the youngsters are busy working and raising their kids, but is that truly the entire story here? When our current generation of political leaders and even poll workers and watchers have come and gone, who will replace them? We know special interest will always be there, but will the citizens be there? Run! Get involved! …..Don’t just complain and hang-out in the peanut gallery.

  5. The D@ily Spin on January 24, 2016 at 8:29 am said:

    Yes, seems like seniors are especially involved for elections. They’re baby boomers that outnumber younger generations. Unfortunately, policy comes from the majority. No doubt Gen X and Y get left out and drop out. The older generation made bad choices for council. I’d like to see younger candidates with new ideas. Let’s face it, the older generation made sorry choices.

    BTW, George Clooney for president. No experience but he doesn’t have unusual hair and his wife (First Lady) is more beautiful and smarter than Trump’s. If we don’t have enough common sense for picking a president, at least vote for someone who looks the part. Never thought I’d say so but perhaps the electoral college can keep an egotistic arrogant showboat from winning.

  6. Winston on January 24, 2016 at 3:48 pm said:

    “Never thought I’d say so but perhaps the electoral college can keep an egotistic arrogant showboat from winning.”

    I hope you are right, but I am afraid the “Reagan Democrat” or what we use to call the “George Wallace Democrat” is the one who is going to decide this election.

    If Trump gets the nomination far too many blue states will become purple and the traditional purple states will become a battleground involving getting enough hispanic voters out against Trump versus the loss of conservative Democrats and the new “Ventura” registered voters who I am afraid will come out in droves for Trump… And this latter reality will be the true cause for the battlegrounds in the blue/purple states, too.

    If Hillary gets the Democratic nomination, her current and I think continual close polling against Trump will also come down to the women’s vote in addition.

    Sanders on the other hand currently does better than Clinton against Trump nationally. I believe there is a current poll which has Sanders 11 pts. ahead of Trump right now. But some us remember the 1988 race. At one time, Dukakis had a 17 pt. lead on Bush41, but Bush won with the help of the “Willie Horton” ads and the fear of the “L” word. I am afraid next fall, Sanders will be dogged by the “S” word to the disadvantage of the Sanders camp and to the advantage of the Trump camp or whoever becomes the Republican presidential nominee.

    It shall be very interesting, however, to watch in the next few months. I am sure there are still many more variables to appear before this election cycle is put to bed.

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