What are we going to lose? I’m confused.
Towards the end of the council meeting tonight (not where councilor Rolfing talks about doing homework, you have gone to far) the mayor shuts down public input on a 1st reading by a private citizen on the car rental fee increase (ironically a citizen that used to own a private airport in town).
It quickly gets pushed to a 2nd reading. But before that, the mayor points out that the rules don’t allow those from the public to make a pitch for or against an agenda item during the 1st reading. He is right. Yet, Rolfing claims that is allowable because others came forward during public input, in which Mayor Huether once again reminds Rolfing that is within the rules because it is within public input, not agenda input.
You can speak about anything during public input. You cannot, however, speak about specific first readings at the time of the first reading, only at the second.
You would think Hat Hater would know the rules, how embarrassing he had to be reminded of the rules by chief rule breaker himself. I think my head exploded.
That wasn’t the highlight of the day though, Finance Director Turbak was on the SuFu show today shooting out one lie after another, telling Stu and Lalley that they could see what the subcontractors of the EC got paid, but didn’t have record of change orders or how many subcontractors were under Mortenson. So we get to see a partial list? When asked about receiving a public pay check and supporting secrecy in finances, Turbak suddenly became silent, and reminded the Argus they were suing him, so he couldn’t talk. But the best was towards the end of the show when he said he was unfamiliar with South DaCola. Might as well end the show with a final lie . . . pop, pop, pop, pop!
The real fireworks though were at that Council Meeting public input, where the public ripped into the councilors and administration about the lack of transparency. Erpenbach responded by saying they were hurtful and Rolfing read off a piece of paper at the end of the meeting about his son who died in the line of duty.
As I have told others, Freedom is free, speak out! Guns don’t preserve our society, liberty and free speech does.
Not sure who is turning into former city councilor De Knudson sooner, Erpenbach or Rolfing?
These people make my flesh crawl ‘cept Kermit (the frog)
Do not wish to sound like an ERW SJW
freedumb is not free.
Nice that everyone who worked /s for Minnehaha makes
more than DA BIG BUCKS
Drives down Minnesota with a Flamethrower
paying close attention to the city functionary Taj Mahal
(Have you ever seen the cost be damned wood paneling in a courtroom?Don’t leave out the Schools with %^&ing AirConditioning.)
Wow I felt good for about 15 days this year
iconoclastic cynicism creeps back in (have to stay away from Dan’s posted comments)
IAaL merry and bright
Social media is entertaining but political comedy is better.
Sarah Palin came out of the closet for Trump. She wore her chain male and used the word pussy. Our choices for leaders are more like the cast of Saturday Night Live except there’s more respect for Tina Fey than Sarah Palin.