I think the proposals look great, so far, the city is still looking for more input;
The City of Sioux Falls is proposing changes to the current right-of-way ordinance. The current ordinance limits landscaping to only turf grass and trees in the parking strip. A new ordinance would allow for additional flexibility in plantings while preserving the functionality of the public right-of-way.
The new proposed ordinance allows turf or native grasses; approved street trees; annual, biennial, or perennial plants; cultivated flowers; wildflowers; and fruits and vegetables. To maintain the safety of the right-of-way, some restrictions would apply. Those include:
- Plants must be maintained at a height of no more than 36″ from the top of the curb.
- Neither plants with thorns, spines, or other sharp rigid parts nor evergreen or deciduous shrubs would be allowed.
- Plant material may not overhang or encroach onto the sidewalk.
- Wood mulch may be used only on a limited basis around plantings as a water-conservation measure.
- Turf grass must be maintained at a height of no more than 8″.
The proposed ordinance also would allow some surface area in the parking strip to include landscape pavers, edging, rock mulch, or concrete splash guards. The ordinance would be phased in to allow adequate time for property owners to make changes before enforcement of city codes would take place.
To provide input into the proposed ordinance, please contact:
Matt Tobias, Code Enforcement Manager
Plant poison ivy so code enforcement will remember you every time they improperly serve and post a citation.
Yup, put Matt Tobias on a robo caller system.
Isn’t that pretty much the same as what people do anyway?
If the city can have 4 ft day lilies why is the home owner limited to 3 feet?
Measuring from the curb is not realistic as many citizens have yards that slop upward, some rather dramatically.
I think corner lots should be a special issue. 36″ high plantings can obstruct a driver’s view of oncoming traffic. A specific example is 18th St. and Hawthorne Avenue (near Sanford Hospital). Traveling north on Hawthorne, the view of oncoming traffic heading east on 18th St. has been obstructed by boulevard plantings.
BTW, I’d say the same thing if the obstructions were City-planted trees or shrubs. Driving safety should be factored into the equation.
Michael Wyland, I agree, corner lots (street intersections) need to have setbacks to protect the safety of drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists. I do not object to property owners wanting to beautify their parking strips, but I do object when I have to ease my vehicle into the intersection in order to have a clear line of sight. There are numerous intersections in SF with this problem.
In addition, taxpayers have invested millions of dollars retro-fitting every corner on every block to be ADA (American with Disabilities Act) compliant. Without setbacks on corner lots, how can the City possibly be compliant?
This has NOT been addressed in the proposed ordinance.
I have been in contact with every Council member regarding my concerns about height and setbacks.