7 Thoughts on “Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

  1. I don’t understand?

    How can record growth be happening in all those other cities without Huether being there as Mayor?

    I thought it took running a city like a business to make good things happen?

    I guess maybe Sioux Falls would have had record development without Huether anyway.

    I bet developers and builders and banks would still make money no matter who the mayor is. Now they just get to sit back and laugh at him while he tries to takes credit for it with his “top ten wins” list.

  2. im sure it’s because MMM went to those towns, and they learned how grow their towns from him.

  3. come on on February 6, 2016 at 9:20 am said:


    CI – I think we only need to look at Flint, MI to see what can happen when you truly “run government like a business”. That phrase just bugs me on so many levels.

  4. Enough of shape places and mmm legacy on February 6, 2016 at 5:12 pm said:

    Wait til we get round two of the lead pipe issue in our own city . It’s still here. Not all the infrastructure is replaced. Along comes shape places to knock down all the wonderful neighborhoods with homeowners who will be over regulated to see fixing and getting new pipes off the mains. We will get more of mmm and rmb apartments that are built like crap and toss in more walmarts. All we need. Sanford falls will look like Detroit sooner than daily even thinks. And bankrupt. Whoooo hoooo

  5. rufusx on February 6, 2016 at 9:28 pm said:

    Notice how they too count governmental – or government subsidized construction as part of – or even the major factor in their growth numbers.

  6. The D@ily Spin on February 7, 2016 at 3:02 pm said:

    Home Rule Charter has made Sioux Falls a sovereign kingdom not compared to neighboring cities. Our Pharoah Huether disregards any comparison. No doubt other cities are percentage equal or superior compared to here. I envy those who work here but go home to constitutional Liberty and justice. There’s a reason a third of city employees live out of town. I’ll stay to vote and become active but worry about false arrest and lack of due process. The man who picked his own panel for his ethics hearing has absolute power.

  7. The D@ily Spin on February 7, 2016 at 3:06 pm said:

    The ACLU in South Dakota focuses on Indian Reservations. If they truly represent and defend civil liberty, they’d come to Sioux Falls.

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