For disclosure, I personally know Greg Neitzert, Patrick Starr and Kermit Staggers. I have had a few email conversations with Ritch Nobles but have had NO email or phone conversations with John Paulson, Erin Srstka or Tamera Fenner.
Tamera appeared on Jon Michael’s FORUM this morning. I think she did a good job, and doesn’t seem to be afraid to talk about the issues. Jon promises to have on other candidates, and I look forward to hearing from them (maybe Jon will let me come on before the election so I can make my endorsements
As for other candidates, I have been hearing good things about Ritch and Erin, ironically for different reasons. Ritch is a very family oriented and people oriented business person, at least that is what I hear from friends and colleagues. Erin has been described as very bright and a hard worker.
The issue that comes up about Erin, isn’t her resume or community service, it is conflict of interest. Many are asking the question, “Can Erin legally be an employee of the county and the city at the same time? Isn’t this a conflict of interest?” I’m not sure. I think that there needs to be some legal advice from the SOS, the AG and the city and county attorney’s on this question. Mostly so that Erin can run OR not run in the clear without facing these questions down the road.
re: the government employee question. I do know that a state elected official cannot become elected or appointed to another governmental position AFTER they are elected. If, however, they were in that other position first – they can retain it AND the state position at the same time. As to being EMPLOYED by a government, I don’t believe there are any STATE restrictions against that. Since the staqte has no restrictions, there would have to be restrictions in the LOCAL government ordinances (county or city) prohibiting dual employment, or holding dual elected/appointed positions – but I don’t think you’ll find any.
I think this would be a great opportunity to help build a better relationship between City and County. Erin does not have any authority over County actions but she does have insight into the issues our County faces-over populated jails, high case load for public defenders, sobering center and detox numbers, homeless rates, affordable housing issues, etc. As a city counselor maybe she could offer some insight and balance to help City and County tackle issues together instead of City always ducking out and say it is a county problem.
I couldn’t agree more about the perspective, but here are my concerns;
What if Erin puts the effort into running this race, wins, and then a couple of weeks later someone says, “uh, seems as those there is a statute that doesn’t permit you to do both jobs.” OR
How will she be able to dedicate herself full-time to the county as a public employee (I assume she is a full time employee) and attend meetings for the city, many of which take place throughout day time hours, which can vary between 10-20 hours a week. Wouldn’t the county take issue with this?
Like I said, her perspective would be great, but she will have a struggle balancing her time as a county employee. Many of the other councilors work for private companies and non-profits or are self-employed which gives them flexible schedules. I know her opponent, Neitzert works from his home and is very mobile and flexible with his hours. Greg has also served on the board of appeals for the city, and helped with writing Shape Places. His city experience is what we really need on the council.
Yes, conflict of interest. Has this happened before? Perhaps she’ll vote on council to take less tax partition so county has more for social services and jail.
How is that different than the current counselors offering TIF’s or promises to their buddies to fatten up their pockets? On one hand you have a conflict of interest for personal gain and on the other you have conflict of interest to help the good of the community!
You bring up another good point, there could be a monetary conflict here. If I as a county taxpayer is paying Erin for a 40+ workweek, and she is spending 10+ of it doing city business, she is essentially double dipping on the taxpayers.
With her position being a coordinator, I am thinking her schedule is probably flexible enough to keep the two separate.
I also listened to Jon Michael’s interview of Tamera Fenner.
She is definitely prone to exaggeration when it comes to her credentials regarding being published and also as an international speaker.