

I have to admit, when I saw this proposal (DOC: Platt-fee-increase) I wondered what city I was living in. After all the lies we were told several years ago about how the developers were going to kick in 50% or more while increasing our taxes, I am still skeptical about what is up.

Stay Tuned.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Is the city of Sioux Falls proposing Platting fee increases?”
  1. Looks like cooking the books to bring the numbers up. Like showing a profit for Denny Dome when bond debt service wasn’t included. City hall has become a sophisticated shell game. Nobody wins.

  2. Vegas is betting the replacement Supreme Court justice will be a reality TV star or one of Trump’s kids.

  3. Go back and rerun Kenny Anderson steaming rant inJune 2014 or so about the city unable to collect platting fees from the developers That basically means tifs. The city must now know how bad the debt is to resort to this. We must be broke now. Thanks mmm

  4. I would agree, to propose a 130% fee increase (and they truly are) it makes you wonder what shortfalls we are having in the infrastructure budget.

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