South DaCola

The Event Center Change Order Gobbly Gook


Another fine city of Sioux Falls government document

As the Argus Leader reports today, they have attained 27 pages of change orders from the city on the Events Center (you can go over there and try to decipher the fun stuff). There are some things missing though.

No beginning costs on the change orders (for instance, the siding is only listed as warranty)

What was the original estimate on the siding? What was the final ‘changed’ price.

While Mortenson made 2.25% commission on building the place (over $2 million) There are no records of what subcontractors who were in direct business made/shared with Mortenson. In other words some of the subcontractors may have shared profits with Mortenson since they may have been in a business partnership together. Finance office, Tracy Turbak with the city mumbled about this on the SuFuStu show saying something to the effect of, “We don’t know what those numbers are.”

While it is all fine and dandy we got these documents, they are just the tip of the iceberg.

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