Early in January I told you the story of Paramedics Plus trying to send a friend of mine to collections for a bill he just received in the mail. Well the story gets more interesting.

According to his insurance company, he should NOT have paid the bill. They explained to him that they were still in negotiations with PP because they intended to cover the ambulance call. In fact they said that it was out of line for PP to threaten him with collections when it was clear that the insurance company may pay the bill.

He is waiting for reimbursement and for any action taken against PP. You wonder how often PP has been pulling this trick since they have arrived in Sioux Falls?

3 Thoughts on “UPDATE on Paramedics Plus billing practices

  1. I wonder if the city will release how much revenue they receive from Paramedics Plus?

    That was their biggest selling point (all the things they would allow the city, specifically the fire department, to charge them back for) that basically got them the contract when they were having informal phone calls with the fire chief before the contract was even written up to go out for bid.

    Nothing unethical going on there. No unfair advantage I’m sure. I bet no favorable contract language was added or shared whatsoever.

  2. Sounds like he has some shitty insurance as well.

  3. The D@ily Spin on February 2, 2016 at 8:22 am said:

    It’s standard practice to bill both patient and insurance. Hospitals do this too. What’s important to remember is don’t pay anything for 6 months until there’s distinction what insurance pays and what your copay or deductible is. Once they have your money, there’s no refunds. Also, they’ll take a lower offer if your part is significant. Health care is overpriced and they’re still making profit.

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