8 Thoughts on “Camera Shy?

  1. Inquiring minds on March 22, 2016 at 1:56 am said:

    Scott, calm down: just because My Mistake Michael didnt have any donuts for you fat guys, that’s no reason to be offended and storm out. You and Fat Kenny look just porky enough that at first I thought you girls ate the video camera! Now, make sure that your transparent with your blog & be less cowardly by leaving these telling comments (seriously, have you even been able to haul your lazy fat butt on a scale in the last year or so? I’m actually pretty surprised you didn’t bust out that poor defenseless chair before you tried to otherwiss look offended & then struggled to actually stand up and leave) out online so the 4 or 5 others who read your constantly whiny & same old blog comments can see what (tonnage of belly-fat weight) your really trying to hide!

  2. For those who care, Tracy Turbak did mmm’s new building and future projects a great disservice. We already know he weave great tales and does not like anyone in the room who questions anything he says.

    Think about the tales he weaves every time he appears before the Sioux Falls city Council. Those of us who sat through his financial stories sit there in stunned silence trying to figure out how he made it to the end. We hear it but cannot believe it. We still don’t believe anything he says.

    So imagine our surprise when Council Chair Kenny Anderson tries to show a transparent city government by inviting us, Joe Sneve, Scott and me to a sit down meeting in City Hall. We accepted. We don’t have any plans to hurt the city, we only want to understand what makes it tick and how.

    Remember Tracy? We did not know he was going to be in the meeting but we walked into the room and there he was. I thought, all the better as he sat with Sue Quanbeck Etten and Kendra Siemonsma to answer questions our basic questions. The one thing I’m sure he did not want was our camera with us or was it just us? Did we smell bad? Anyway, Tracy had a childish hissy fit and stormed out of the room.

    Nice Job Tracy, get your big boy pants on and prove to us we need this building. We’ve seen better temper control in kindergarten.

  3. It will be interesting to see how the Argus covers this. Sioux fu stew…

  4. Kevin S on March 22, 2016 at 11:51 am said:

    Inquiring Minds your comment is the most childish thing I have read in quite some time. You must be a MMM supporter. Have a great day!

  5. Perry on March 22, 2016 at 9:06 pm said:

    Kevin S. …no doubt he is. Afraid of open meetings? dissenting opinions? Perhaps a cartoon may be published honoring you? Man up and wipe your nose…it’s got something on it…pussy. Oh no, Inquiring Mindless…I stooped to your level of name calling. My apologies….um…skinny. I need a donut…hook me up!

  6. Lemming on March 22, 2016 at 10:22 pm said:

    Kenny pulled a nice ‘ambush’ there so nice job on his part. He knew what he was doing when he set this up. That being said, big deal! Answer the questions! Who cares if its recorded? If you agreed to meet with the Argus reporter, why not just speak your mind? His response is baffling. More baffling is who Kendra is and why was she there? What does she do for City Government?

  7. Inquiring mindless. Your an absolute example of our future oligarchy: a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes;

    Good day,

  8. And another thing. If it wasn’t for Scott & crew trying to hold some accountability to you poor spoiled brats that think you own the world………..we’d be the sheeple that you really want!

    Grow up” and let’s come together in a way that moves us forward in a positive transparent way!

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