South DaCola

First Sioux Falls City Council Candidate Forum this Friday


Candidates from the NW district;

Jacob Johnson, Briggs Warren, Erin Srstka, Greg Neitzert

Candidates from the SW district;

Manny Steele and Marshall Selberg

The fun begins at NOON on Friday, March 11.

The Chamber is also planning a couple of events;

YPN hosts ‘Meet the Candidates’ on Tuesday, March 29

Networking will take place from 5:30-6 p.m. At 6 p.m., each CIty Council candidate will have five minutes to introduce themselves and explain how their candidacy will affect young professionals. There will be no formal question and answer sessions and attendees will be encouraged to approach candidates and ask questions one-on-one.

Municipal Candidate Forum at Carnegie on Thursday, April 7

The municipal forum schedule is as follows:
At-Large Council and Northeast District Council candidates: 5:30-6:30 p.m.
15 minute break
Northwest District and Southwest District Council candidates: 6:45-7:45 p.m.

The Argus Leader is also planning special episodes of ‘100’ Eyes with the candidates in their respective districts.

Tune in to all of them and absorb the differences.

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