
What’s going on in Sioux Falls? David Zokaites talks about police abuse and it inspires our Cameraman Bruce to remind the City Council of the criminal assault he received almost a year before. There was some head shaking going on during these March 15, 2016 Public Inputs. What are we going to do about these types of criminal acts when we can’t even be safe in our yards or even the City Council chamber?

11 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council Public Input, 3/15/2016

  1. sierra broussard on March 16, 2016 at 10:35 am said:

    listening to david it sounds to me he has no credability and that in hes situation with the police i think hes in the wrong not the police.I think he is a little paranoid and might have some mental issues.

  2. The D@ily Spin on March 16, 2016 at 10:41 am said:

    Police in Sioux Falls are unprofessional, abusive, and bullies. The new internal affairs is but another cop and member of the mayor’s Gestopo. We have no civil rights here because Home Rule Charter doesn’t allow appeals into court. You can sue constitutionally but there’s no damages award. If you want freedom, it costs 6 figures for litigation and but another forgotten court file.

    Take your Rodney King beating and hope they’ll stop before you’re killed.

  3. sierra broussard on March 16, 2016 at 10:44 am said:

    Having said that im on the streets alot and dealing with the police on issues,talking to police on issues.Im almost 100 percent sure there isnt any police brutality going on within the police department.I do agree that the police and citizens needs to communicate more.Having said this when dealing with the police the public should be aware that there is recording devices in the squad cars and sometimes on the police officer when dealing with calls of service with citizens .The police department also will be getting body cameras .You have to know when you start resisting a officer due to arrest they can use reasonable force to keep the situation under control.The citizens may think its using to much force or so called police brutality put it isnt.

  4. sierra broussard on March 16, 2016 at 10:52 am said:

    If you feel you been violated make a citizens complaint at the police department on unbecoming of a police officer.When you dont cooperate with law enforcement cause you violated the law and you flee from them or you resist arrest ,you really dont have much of a argument.Now if you cooperate and dont resist and the police use force for example is by pushing you against the car to get the situation under control or putting you on the ground with there knee between your shoulder blades or tasering you for no reason then there is a huge problem.

  5. sierra broussard on March 16, 2016 at 10:59 am said:

    Overall i think the police here in sioux falls uses there judgement on excessive force wisely.Theres been situations where the officer should of used deadly force and didnt. Milwaulkee Wisconsin,Green bay Wisconsin,Chicago ,Illinois Baltimore,Maryland those police is corrupt.They use excessive force and break citizens civil rights ,if you want to talk about police departments breaking citizens civil rights.

  6. guest on March 16, 2016 at 2:32 pm said:

    a quick google search of Mr Zokaites name and you will find he also expressed concerns about violation of civil rights in another city/state?

    Awfully big coincidence to see civil rights “allegedly” violated in 2 cities by the same individual……..


    “Mr. Zokaites, resident of White Bear Lake, appeared before the Council and asked it to reconsider the rental housing inspection program it initiated. He felt that it was a privacy violation of the civil rights of renter”



  7. l3wis on March 16, 2016 at 3:04 pm said:

    Not sure what is so unusual about what you posted about David. Most people who are passionate or knowledgeable about an issue take that passion with them no matter where they live. I see civil rights violations every day in SF, that I’m sure happen in White Bear Lake to. We should just be thankful someone is speaking out about them, whether you agree or not with his circumstances.

    I agree Sierra, we don’t have to worry about the cops, they are so full of Avera’s home cooking they can’t even give out cigarette butt littering citations. It’s the mayor you have to watch out for and his swinging elbows that sometimes connect with the jaws of constituents.

  8. sierra broussard on March 16, 2016 at 5:59 pm said:

    I dont agree with the things the Mayor does either,but the citizens voted him in.When i do civil activist/advocate work you have to get the facts. You just dont act upon someones allegation of abuse especially police abuse to a citizen if the facts are not there to prove.What i monitor on the streets is police beating up a citizen or using excessive force by kicking the citizen in the head or tasering a citizen without cause.Racial profiling,police engaging in criminal activity off duty and or on duty.
    There are citizens out there that like to cry wolf.

  9. Thank god I’m leaving this state soon!

  10. The D@ily Spin on March 18, 2016 at 2:02 pm said:

    BTW, the assistant city attorney who represents police was arrested for DWI but still holds his position. Perhaps the best way to escape criminal charges is to go to work for the city.

  11. A” depends on where you’re moving to. The police state that where living in is only going to get worse no mater where you go. When you have no accountability, and I mean NO ACCOUNTABILITY example: our government! Bush is still at large as is the rest of his cronies. As well were so stupid to even have another Bush running is just about as insulting as you can get! Until we the sheeple hold these criminals accountable… there’s no hope! As I have come to terms with the fact that people are to entertained with nonsense…..As John Lenin say’s “I’m just siting here watching the wheels go round and round”

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