3 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council Public Input, March 1, 2016

  1. We have a question for the public to ask the Sioux Falls city administration. What century are we in? The 3 City Council Public Input speakers from March 1, 2016 all asked basic questions about process and results, “Why does this town not understand how to fix basic problems?”

    It appears the Jill Franken’s health department can be successful giving away condoms at bars but what about the rest of our administration? Doesn’t it seem like we are on a rudderless ship waiting for a blast of wind to fill the sails to take us somewhere?

    SIRE is not rocket science, but it is mysterious in operation. We get sucked into a pipeline of dubious metal quality and our “leaders” don’t seem to care as long as we get a couple of dollars. Let’s build another building but not care how it gets paid for? Let’s Build an indoor pool without caring about public safety? There is more coming on these things because the administration doesn’t even care to fix the underlying issues.

    Sierra showed up asking why the city doesn’t care to discuss the longstanding prostitution and sex trafficking problems in Sioux Falls. Does this talk cause to much squeamishness? Maybe this is why the Romantix Administration Building got delayed by a few weeks to get the condom dispensers refilled before the decision can get made?

  2. The D@ily Spin on March 8, 2016 at 9:17 am said:

    It’s obvious the city has to much real estate. They also sponsor things such as the tennis center and airport hotel. Before they build another something major, some of the obsolete wasted real estate must be auctioned. Instead of taking more land off the county tax roll, return what’s unnecessary into the private sector. The statement of work for the mayor is not real estate magnate. Return inferior buildings to the corrupt developers who built them. They’ll buy it for one dollar but there’ll be property tax revenue and there’s no maintainance expenditure.

    Wasn’t this the plan anyway so that Lloyd & Sanford get richer off the backs of the enslaved population.

  3. The D@ily Spin on March 8, 2016 at 9:27 am said:

    Trump makes his money from real estate speculation and three bankruptcy’s. It’s business that shouldn’t become government. This is why a businessman mayor shouldn’t represent the general population.

    Let’s go back to actors like Ronald Reagan. How about Harrison Ford or Michael Douglas? They were good in the president movies.

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