Not to much brewing right now, but a few tidbits from the street;

• The candidates posted their latest financials, and it looks like John Paulson is in the lead, but he also has a good donor list 🙂 He also has been blabbing to anyone who will listen about how great his neighborhood is (McKennan Park). I would agree, I live only a few blocks away in McKennan Flats. Not sure if he knows a whole other city exists outside of that space.

• Ritch Noble didn’t do bad either, and rumor is he had a fundraiser event last Thursday. Now if we can just see him show his face in public.

• There is still a lot of buzz about the possible conflicts of interest with council candidate and county employee Erin Srstka. As a county official said to me on Friday, the county commission should have known better to approve of her candidacy, or are they using her . . . more to come on that.

• Marshall Selberg shows his true colors, and while his friends and associates maintain he is ‘his own man’ while being an independent broker for Lloyd companies, he has no problem taking independent donations from them. Marshall, how does that butter taste?


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