
I have voted early in almost every election for the past 4-5 years, ever since musical precincts started. The nice part is it is at your convenience, and it is fast (I have never had to wait in a line) You simply go to the County Auditor’s office, show them your ID, they hand you a ballot for your precinct, you vote at at the box and turn in your ballot. A lot easier then trying to find time on election day.

South DaCola’s voting guide/endorsements;

Entire City (Minnehaha & Lincoln County)

School Board: Randy Dobberpuhl (The two top vote getters win seats)

At-Large City Council: Theresa Stehly

Amendments to City Charter: YES on all (A-C & E) EXCEPT NO on ‘D’ which could have a mayor serve up to 10 years. Full explanation in this PDF Document; charter-amend

District Races

Northeast: Pat Starr

Northwest: Greg Neitzert

Southwest: Manny Steele

I believe all the candidates I have chosen will be the most ready on day 1 to serve the public. I also believe this group of candidates are good legislators who would build bridges, get important work done for all citizens and support open and transparent government.

Remember, in the council races, a candidate must receive at least 34% of the vote to avoid a run-off election.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “VOTE EARLY – VOTE SMART”
  1. I agree with your choices. It’s not because of your opinion but because they (generally) favor returning city government to democracy from Huether abused Home Rule Oligarchy. Voting early sounds good. Wouldn’t it be interesting if someone wins before Election Day?

  2. I have always recommended that before you vote, research the candidates, their positions and all of the ballot measures before getting to the polling place. Know who and what you are voting for.

    you can take a ‘cheat sheet’ with you into the voting booth. This election and the one in November It might not be a bad idea

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