
The council may want to consider one of these for the meeting

Forget about the upcoming municipal election for a brief moment, because the current city council has their work cut out for them Tuesday night. Hopefully they stock up on their Depends and shots of insulin, because it is going to be a long night.

In item #1, in the consent agenda, the council will be asked to appropriate $22K for Events Center Cooler Storage Addition Agreement for engineering services to Koch Hazard (this is only the expenditure for design, not construction). The building is only a year old, and we are already adding ‘little things’ to the facility that should have been in place. Makes you wonder how many other ‘little things’ were skipped to make it under budget? (cough, cough, shoddy siding, cough, cough). Expect this to be just one item of several over the next couple of years. Good thing we got that million dollar settlement for popcorn poppers, maybe they could install a few in the lobby of Carnegie Town Hall?

Now let’s skip all the way down to Item #60 (man, that’s a lot of beer licenses) Must have something to do with this past PBR weekend 🙂

Item #60 deals with FREE youth ridership on city buses. I don’t expect much of a debate and this passing with flying colors, though there may be some opposition from administration.

Item #61 deals with the proposed city administration building, I expect this to fail at least 5-3. It is obvious that this project requires more scrutiny by the next council.

Item #63 deals with the boulevard ordinance. I don’t expect much pushback from the council or public on this one, but you never know, those Kentucky Bluegrass defenders have been known to show up without warning.

Items #71-72, Platting fee increases. Not sure what kind of debate will occur, but expect some from the development community to rear their heads. This goes back to the ridiculous increase in the second penny from .92 to a full penny and the empty, empty, very empty promises of the development peeps to pay their fare share of arterial road development. Not sure if all the fees will pass as is or will need amending, but it is WAY overdue.

Item #75, appropriating left over monies to streets.

Item #76, 1st reading, deals with appropriating grants for affordable housing

Item #77, 1st reading, deals with cleaning up typos from our crack legal team

And that’s not all, it doesn’t end until item #85, in which the mayor will ask for adjournment then tell us how hard our city council and employees work because they had to sit through another long meeting (while collecting a paycheck).

You all come back now, Yah hear?

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