South DaCola

City Council Candidates buzz word, ‘Transparency’


Imagine, just for once we don’t have to hear about an Events Center in a municipal election (I guess we can thank MMM for something this election season) Though, I somehow feel the word ‘Transparency’ has a little to do with his management (dictator) style, and the fact cameraman Bruce has been following this administration like stink on sh*t with his tripod and handycam.

What a breath for fresh air for someone who has been battling the secrecy of city hall since the Munson days that for once, the candidates get it. Secrecy sucks!

I have been telling several people that the crop of candidates this cycle have been surprisingly surprising in their quest for transparency in government, and win or lose, it seems we have the cream of the crop to pick from for the most part.

Though not all of them have been honest about their work resumes, personal lives and voting records.

I just hope the winners push hard over the next two years to bring more, or should I say, any sunshine to city government.

After all, it’s one thing to say you will do something, it’s a whole other ball of wax to follow through.

As for the other buzz word ‘Potholes’ there seems to be an alternative approach to getting them fixed.

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