2 Thoughts on “Garage Sale for a Greater Sioux Falls

  1. The D@ily Spin on April 15, 2016 at 5:51 pm said:

    Recycling the Noble and Paulson signs could be toilet paper for years. I found the Northwest election station at lunch. I was the only one there with half a dozen election workers. I won the scavenger hunt feeling lucky. The election workers were bored but I couldn’t get them into an afternoon poker game.

    The big loser for this election is one percenter money. Next election, give to ‘The Banquet’. When public media is saturated with ads, cubicle androids stream on their smart phones from the Internet. Only activists go to the polls and we’re pissed. We don’t like public money spent on concerts, swimming, tennis, and hotels. We don’t belong to your country club.

    If you’re Sanford, Lloyd, or Krabby I have swamp land in Florida for sale.

  2. i12doit on April 17, 2016 at 11:00 pm said:

    Looks like a doggy leg lifting sign.

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