From looking at these plans for a new student activity center (in the video) along 33rd street, it appears that Augustana wants to connect their new facility to the Elmen center. Probably no big secret to those in the know, but this would require a street vacation between 33rd and 37th of Grange Avenue. Also probably not that big of deal since that street is pretty much just used as a shortcut across Augie’s expansive campus.
But here is where we run into some ‘what if’s’.
Hopefully this city council and the new one will learn a lesson from the recent street vacation at Billion. Dave Billion Sr. walked up in front of the council and asked ‘to be treated like everyone else’ then the city gifted him over a million dollars in property (the street).
This time around, the council needs to do their due diligence and consider the value of the street (and utility easements) and actually charge Augustana (a private university) a price for the street property. Even if it is 50 cents on the dollar of what it is worth, we need to send a message that the taxpayers of Sioux Falls are not just going to give away their assets anymore because the Mayor and Rob Oliver are besties. Let’s truly treat the Augies and Billions of the world ‘like everyone else’, nothing in this world is free. The street is yours. Check please.