
Yet another logo to be added to council candidates websites

Don’t get me wrong, I will defend equality tooth and nail. Whether that is in the workforce, daily lives or in governing the fine folks of this state and city.

On Friday at the Democratic forum some advocates of equality, specifically LGBT rights decided to bark up the tree of municipal government by asking council candidates their feelings on discrimination (we will have up video soon). All of the candidates admitted (even though Paulson’s feathers got a bit ruffled over the question) that they don’t support discrimination in any way shape or form. Stehly said it best, “I love everyone.” While candidate Pat Starr referred to getting educated on the charter amendments on the ballot and the role the Charter Revision Commission plays in making ordinances and laws for our city;

Summary of Duties: The commission may deliver a report to the city election authorities framing and proposing amendments to the Sioux Falls Home Rule Charter which it deems advisable. The commission holds at least one public meeting each calendar year for the purpose of receiving recommendations from the public regarding revisions to the charter and to take action upon any matters before the commission relating to proposed charter revisions.

In other words, they are your first line of defense when framing anti-discrimination laws for the city. I have also joked with people when talking about the role of city council I said they have two main jobs, signing checks and approving beer licenses. Every thing else is just fringe social issue fluff that some on the council use to distract us from the important issues, like affordable housing, infrastructure and exploding user fee rates.

There are several professionals working for our city that are in charge of discrimination and equality (though some of those positions don’t seem to last long under this mayor) and while the council does have some say in those positions, under a strong mayor form of government, it is the mayor’s job to keep that kind of stuff in check.

But I do applaud them for asking the question, besides, knowledge doesn’t come from just sitting in front of the TV watching college basketball. Now let’s all hold hands, sing kumbaya and get a sandwich at Badlands Pawn.

2 Thoughts on “LGBT community seems to be confused about the role of municipal government

  1. i12doit on April 3, 2016 at 8:27 am said:

    I think the LGBT Community in Sioux Falls may have done a little “Preventive Discrimination” work here in letting the city and State know they aren’t going to take it anymore. Like you, I applaud them for asking the question.
    Perhaps Gay Pride Day could be held Downtown Sioux Falls and join equally in city space and have the streets blocked off for their festive occasion as other celebrations are done? Maybe, just maybe, the LGBT Community will ask that question as well? How accommodating would the Mayor and The Council be to that, rather than keeping them in a closet such as McKennan Park? I would applaud them asking that question too!!!

  2. The D@ily Spin on April 5, 2016 at 5:50 pm said:

    I had a sandwich at Bad News Pawn. Not recommended. Has anyone ever said anything about the pawn shop searchlights fanning the sky at the end of the major runway at FSD? Pilots have lots to say about green lasers. Searchlights are a hundred times worse. Also, the gun range is above ground with the field of fire toward the airport. No wonder flight attendants freak and set off the chutes.

    Take cover because the searchlights indicate a bombers attack. Huether’s lawyer (aka city attorney) should do something before the FAA shows up.

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