
Vote GOAT this April 12th!

While I think the Staggers’ endorsement was good for the Stehly campaign, I wonder if a Karsky endorsement holds much weight (He also endorsed Noble and Selberg). As I have pointed out since he has announced he is running for county commission, one of the most ineffective councilors in recent history.


Fenner was publicly endorsed by former Mayor Hanson (he also sent out a fundraiser letter for Tammy).

Expect Pat Starr to get an endorsement tomorrow also.

In other candidate news Briggs Warren got his wires crossed in the forum today on the Argus. Candidates were asked what decision they would applaud the Mayor on and which ones they disagreed with. Briggs commended him on the youth free bus rides. The mayor was actually very opposed to the program. Councilors Jamison and Erickson spearheaded that program. But Briggs did chastise the mayor on the lack of transparency the administration has shown in the Events Center siding settlement.

9 Thoughts on “Srstka & Fenner get endorsements, Briggs is confused

  1. Elliot on April 4, 2016 at 5:56 pm said:

    With the greatest of respect, it appears to be you that you have your wires crossed, not Mr Warren.

    You write “Candidates were asked what decision they would applaud the Mayor on and which ones they disagreed with” and that “Briggs commended him on the youth free bus rides. The mayor was actually very opposed to the program.”

    If you watch the video on the link below, you will see that the off-screen reporter says at 23:12 that “we’ve got a question from the editorial board, and that is over the last 6 years, which is the term of the current administration, what was the one decision that you agreed with the most and the one that you agreed with the least or disagreed with…”


    The “current administration” includes the entire council, not just the mayor.

  2. scott on April 4, 2016 at 6:20 pm said:

    is she related to the retired judge?

  3. l3wis on April 4, 2016 at 7:03 pm said:

    Elliot, thanks for the clarification, so you and your alter ego, Briggs, DO understand the question, just not what the term ‘administration’ means. When talking ‘administration’ that refers to the mayor and HIS staff, not the council. The council is not ‘administered’ by him. When talking about the council, you simply address them as council or commission.

  4. Elliot on April 4, 2016 at 7:23 pm said:

    Actually, not Briggs.


  5. Stretch on April 4, 2016 at 11:49 pm said:

    Don’t ever tell Scott he is wrong….He is never wrong…All hail the almighty Scott the king of never being wrong about anything….He may never be challenged!

  6. l3wis on April 5, 2016 at 12:22 am said:

    Actually I’m wrong about a lot of things, and maybe next Tuesday I will be wrong again about my candidate choices. But I do feel I pick the right candidates based on their experience, integrity and knowledge, and that is really all I can offer.

    As for the ‘past 6 years of this administration’ I’m pretty sure Lalley was referring to the last six years of the Mayor’s leadership.

  7. While it could normally be open to interpretation, I have to agree with Scott on this one, there have been enough news stories and meeting that refer to the ‘administration’ historically it has always meant the employees who report to Mayor, not the council.

    On another note, I was considering voting for Srstka just to have a person on the council who was protecting the county from the city’s predatory behaviors. But if Karsky is backing her, I will be actively campaigning against her.

  8. scott on April 5, 2016 at 5:31 pm said:

    i guess thune, noem, and rounds would be considered part of the obama administration under brigg’s definition.

  9. l3wis on April 5, 2016 at 6:14 pm said:

    scott, get it straight, ELLIOT not BRIGGS were mistaken. Don’t get them confused, they are not the same person.

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