The devil is in the details. Literally when it comes to fire safety.

There is this little document called the ‘Fire Hazardous materials review letter’ that should be drawn up before any building is constructed. The city decided to draw up the letter after construction began on the Aquatics Center? Why?


DOC: Haz review Letter 21 March 2016 (002)

I (Bruce) asked for this to be sent to me in February. It had not been completed until after I asked for it. Last night before the Council (4/5) meeting I asked Dean for it and here it is today (4/6). Look at the meeting dates. It confirms they only had the meeting AFTER my February request.

More short cuts by the administration? Laziness by the fire department? Hazardous materials storage should be addressed before dirt is even moved for a foundation.

Another fine ramrodded project by the Huether administration.


By l3wis

2 thoughts on “The cart before the horse”
  1. Once the Feds take the Fish Bowl back it could become storage for poisonous gas or nuclear waste. There should be allowances in the fundamental design.

  2. I’m sure they love you for pointing out their lack of concern for the public. Are there any gold plated shovels and photos so we can all grovel at what a fine job Mayor Mike has done? He seems rather narcissistic, don’t ya think?

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