Update (11:24): Bruce is telling me there is about 500 people there (I think the District can hold around 1,500). Kind of bad planning on the Clinton organizers. Of course holding a rally at 9:30 AM on a Friday in a working class state like South Dakota wasn’t the brightest move.
One corporatist leader to introduce another (Huether), go figure. Should have seen this coming a mile away.
Cameraman Bruce will be covering the event for South DaCola this morning at the District.
The line around the District. Brady Mallory is on it.
The countdown starts
Sanders, now Clinton give Bruce credentials, our local mayor? Still in a state of denial.
Interesting that it’s at a private location. Do the Clintons and democrats not want to become associated with Huether?
Hide your C-Gars and interns & lolita fcuk planes.
I’m sure MMM threatened and whined his way to the podium – the same way he pushed out two established delegates to get a free vacation for two to the 2012 DNC.
Huether taking advantage of a junket! No way, he would never do that, that’s what his nemesis Staggers does. I mean it’s not like he would go to a Packers game with the GM of local TV station on a Credit Card company’s dime, or schedule a sister cities visit to Germany the same time as the French Open or buy books as gifts to city councilors and have the city pay for them. Not the millionaire next door!
t is always good to have an American President visit South Dakota. Overtime and place, the presidency of Bill Clinton is still cherished by me and many Americans especially when you consider the alternatives of that time, which were a second term for GHW Bush or a first term for Bob Dole. But that said, I am afraid a vote on June 7th for Hillary is actually a vote for Trump in the Fall, however. Let us face it, Trump is already matching Hillary in the polls and as the assumed underdog he has already found a way to define the fall campaign and its issues, which I find quite troubling and baffling myself, and these are all facts which do not bode well for Camp Hillary in the fall nor for Democrats of any kind in the fall unfortunately as well.
But why is this happening? That we are about to nominate a presidential candidate who cannot win nor win for Democrats in general. Why is it that the super delegates which are propping up the Clinton candidacy appear to have an inverse relationship to the public’s interest in the two Democratic candidates for President, Hillary and Bernie? Why is it that 90+% of the pledged super delegates are backing Hillary while Bernie draws crowds tenfold to the size of a Hillary rally? The one answer to these questions is simple. The Democratic Party establishment is out of touch with its own people and the American people in general and this is the major reason Hillary will lose in the fall.
I am not a defender nor admirer of Donald Trump, but his success against all odds and initial political forecasting speaks to the authenticity he represents to a sizable plurality of the Republican constituency and a likely electoral majority when you include Independent voters as well. If the Republicans had super delegates, and you would think the Republicans would be the ones to have such a concept since they have a more corporatist tendency , I do not think Trump’s inevitable nomination would yet be guaranteed or would ever happen. But ironically, the Republicans are more democratic then the Democrats in picking their nominee this time and Trump’s apparent nomination represents the feelings of a vast percentage of disenchanted Republican and Independent voters who want real change. …. Whether you agree with them or not.
However, what is the Democratic Party’s establishment response to the change that Democrats want within their party and nation as evident by rally crowds, caucuses and precinct results? Well, it is to support or prop up an establishment candidate who will go down to defeat in the fall because the Democrats or should I say the established Democrats chose not to be democratic rather to be paternalistic or should we say dictatorial in their presidential nominating process.
This reality is very unfortunate and should be especially troubling to any good South Dakota Democrat. Because it was our own late South Dakota Senator George McGovern through the McGovern/Frasier committee of the early 1970s which once changed the rules of how the Democratic Party could choose it nominee to make it a more democratic process. A change which was destroy in the 1980s, however, and a destruction which gave birth to the super delegates process that we now have and are now being forced to live under.
In President Clinton’s speech today in Sioux Falls, Bill Clinton laid praise upon the life and work of George McGovern, and he justly should have. But sadly as a political party, we are not heeding McGovern’s ideas and definitely not practicing them as we prepare to nominate a presidential candidate who relies far too heavily upon the dependency of super delegates to legitmizie her campaign and nomination.
Do not get me wrong, I want a woman president as much as anyone and it is long overdue, and I believe Hillary is extremely competent to do the job, but she will not win in the fall, because it takes more than competency to win a presidential race. It takes authenticity and genuine attachment to the American voters to win, and historically a candidate and a party which does not represent and inspire its core constituency I am afraid will never find a path to victory in the fall, rather it will fall into defeat to an opponent which speaks and represents its own Party’s core constituency and beliefs….
Does anyone know if and where the $500 to $2700 fundraiser happened?
Bernie 4200
Clinton. 350
Icon Event Hall.
I heard he requested cigars and fat interns in his green room.
Watch Bernie school Jake Tapper yesterday.