South DaCola

Good Luck outgoing Sioux Falls City Councilors, you made our city better


Kenny & I had our first meeting at Granny’s Golden Oven

I didn’t get emotional tonight at the last meeting of the outgoing councilors. I know that I will still talk to them on regular basis. While not in my close circle of friends, our conversations over the years have been anything but coffee talk.

Kermit said it best tonight, local government matters the most in our lives. I dare anyone to pick up the phone right now and get a direct call to Thune, Rounds, Noem or Obama. Not happening. I can’t say that about our local officials.

I know they may or may not know it, but the conversations I have had with them have been wonderful, fruitful and enlightening. I will always cherish the ear they brought me. I still tear up thinking about when one city councilor just called to share their condolences about the passing of my grandma. It’s the little things that count.

I can be cold sometimes, even a real asshole, but I think my cynicism and pessimistic attitude coaxed them to be better, to look at the bigger picture, to ask the right questions, to shape policy that helps us all. It’s hard to say a bad word about the four that are leaving, they all served during an instrumental time in our city. I can honestly tell you, over the past 5-12 years they served they have changed our lives dramatically. Sioux Falls is different and better because of their service. I sometimes wish I had a recording of all those defining moments I could box up for each of them.

The one thing that the citizens of Sioux Falls should remember about these four guys is that they truly care about this town, and while at times it was easy to hate the decisions they made, they always had the heart of community, and what was important to them, their families and tax payers. It’s not an easy job, I get it.

Tonight, their hearts are heavy, I saw that in Kenny’s eyes, in Karsky’s commitment, in Jamison’s sense of support and always the historical aspect of Dr. Staggers. They may not be on the dais of Carnegie Hall after today, but they will always be committed to this community, I know this for a fact.

I wish them luck in the future and Godspeed.


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