8 Thoughts on “It’s cold in here

  1. Typical huether response, “Give me a break, really?” it’s not important to him so he will belittle and minimize it.

    His people are responsible for it, so he will deny any knowledge of it and can blame them.

    Tom Greco claims he has had many complaints but the city facilities director claims she’s never heard any. So what did Greco do with all the complaints? nothing? So is he at fault? Did he ignore them?

  2. l3wis on May 18, 2016 at 9:07 pm said:

    It proves how petty he is. Just answer Joe’s question. So you like it cold? So what. I keep my house at 69 in the winter. For those who don’t think the temp is reduced at the 7 PM meetings, do this. Walk to the back aisle and feel the heat blowing out of the register while the A/C above is blowing cold air on you. It can’t be good for the HVAC. And the cost? That would be an interesting figure. But this isn’t really about the temp, this is about his arrogance. Just admit you control it, apologize, fix it and move on. Sometimes the mayor would look so much better if he would just compromise.

  3. Warren_Phear on May 18, 2016 at 11:05 pm said:

    Got a feeling, just a feeling, mmm will be sweating like nixon during the Kennedy debates.

  4. When my video cameras are setup in the back of the room there are a few things very noticeable.

    At the 4:00pm meeting and the 2:00pm swearing-in, the boiler is resting because the radiators are not working. The room is comfortable. The air conditioning fans turn-on and off as needed.

    During the 7:00pm meeting, the boilers are cranking. Hot steam is being pushed to the radiators to make up for the cold air.

    There must be two thermostats or controls due to the dual climate control systems. Just go to the west sidewalk before the 7:00 pm meeting to experience the outdoor air conditioning units kicking on.

    I brought a digital thermometer to the 2:00pm swearing-in. It read 75.9 degrees from 1:30pm to 2:30pm.

    BTW, when was the last time you heard Sue Qaunbeck Etten say anything you could believe in? We have watched and listened to her for several years now. We wonder how anything works in her department. She must have staff who probably doesn’t listen to her so they actually get work done.

    Some of us have wondered what qualified her to be director of facilities and technology. She never knows anything when questioned by the Council. Just think about the mess she created in the Administration building discussions with the county.

  5. The D@ily Spin on May 19, 2016 at 10:10 am said:

    A cold man lives in an igloo and survives on bond blubber. I’m gonna show up with an Alaska parka and mooney boots. I’ll hafts plug 2 meters for my dog sled. Maybe Huether is preparing to welcome Sarah Palin.

  6. The D@ily Spin on May 19, 2016 at 10:22 am said:

    Igloo Hall, Denny Dome, Bazillion, SF Baths (Sioux Falls not San Francisco), Elmwood Hilton, Tennis Temple; profound nicknames for Huether public money mistakes.

  7. anonymous on May 19, 2016 at 11:14 am said:

    Sue Qaunbeck Etten’s qualifications: Crony of MMM’s while he was at both Citibank and First Premier Bank.

    Also, in charge of SIRE.

  8. Karma on May 19, 2016 at 6:10 pm said:

    Once again – his response is arrogant and rude. It doesn’t matter if Joe Schmoe shows up with a concern or a city council member does….the Mayor’s job is to be respectful to “the good people of Sious Falls.”

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