City Hall won’t give Bruce and I PRESS passes, but a presidential campaign will! Our first shot at covering presidential politics (we will have video up soon).
The unofficial count at the event tonight was about 4,300. It certainly surprised me. I guessed that only around 1,000 would show up. But as I joked with another reporter, “Bernie ISÂ a socialist and the event is FREE.”
Of course as Obama did while campaigning here and many other celebrities have done over the years, Bernie addressed the crowd as ‘Sioux City’. When are these people gonna get it right?
Bernie talked for almost 90 minutes, touching on his key campaign issues. Slamming Wall Street, Walmart, corporate money in politics. He also talked about free college for all, single-payer healthcare, fixing our infrastructure, and bringing the ownership of this country back to the middle and working class.
Bernie’s typical stump speech, and it resonates well with working South Dakotans.
While I already voted for Bernie as and indy in the primary, I am afraid Hillary will be our nominee. Bite our tongues and Dump the Trump.
Two neighbours sprouteth (no density out here and the homes are next to each other) TRUMP
signs Hutchinson county.No others out here.
How dem walmarts? Dan you nut!
I live further than MMM from SF somehow
I enjoy the stink of heifer piss has to be better
than pea soup sewerage.
Wait until you smell brimstone and sulfur all the time
BUY YOUR OWN BIOFILTERS and maintain their
operation you POS
/tracking lost
I knew you would be there. “Bernie’s typical stump speech, and it resonates well with working South Dakotans.” Oh ya, a speech that resonates with South Dakotans who always vote for the R, ie Thune, Rounds and Snooki.
Congrats guys!
Looking forward to the video.
I could comment on the irony of a socialist visiting an utter failure of a socialist sovereign government on the west side of this state. OR the fact you folks are always bitching about government overreach, but support an actual socialist.
But theirs little point in this crowd.
Carry on comrades.
Hillary emails has escalated. She could be disqualified. What if Obama steps in with a pardon? Trump is lining up republicans now. He’s toned down his crudeness. I doubt he can recover from alienating women. More than likely, the next president will be democrat. It might be Bernie. I kept hoping a good independent would come along but it’s to late.
Local TV hasn’t given Bernie enough attention. Republican quash seems evident. Let’s see how much attention Bill Clinton gets next week.
Right now I wouldn’t mind having Obama for another term. He’s not perfect but better than present choices. Maybe convert him to Republican and Irish. Change his name to O’Bama.
You got Press passes at that level because you are both worthy correspondents. You don’t get it at the local level because you won’t lick the elephant’s ass. I find your site very newsworthy because you both are not afraid to call a monkey in a suit, a monkey.
Are you being snarky again ljl? About you west river socialism comment. We stole land from narive americans and broke any and all forms of treaty with them. We sent native americans, who WERE natural hunter, gatherer, farmers, to arid lands where none of these are possible. Naturally, the white man, playing god and telling the native americans to go forth and prosper on reservations is a failed project. This is not Bernie’s idea of democratic socialism. This could be trumps idea of wall building though.
Your comrade crack. Exactly what does that mean? If it means protection by public employees like we get from publicly funded polce and firemen, then yes, I am guilty of being a democratic socialist. I served in the armed forces. During that time I got to see the world (nam) ate on the taxpayer dime, was housed on the taxpayer dime. So yeah, once again I was then, a democratic socialist. When I travel our Interstate system, I realize it was all made possible by a democtratic socialist Dwight David Eisenhower.
One other thing COMRADE. If it were not for the efforts and tremendous sacrifices of the of the russian military as our partner in WWII, (for every Anericsn lost in WWII, Russia lost 22.) IF you even existed today, you would have to be a white aryan, and you would be doing it under the iron rule of hitlers grandchildren.
Good for you warren. Thanks for your service to our country.
Millions of other native americans who have thrived under capitalism would disagree with much of your indemnities to the poorest county in the nation. I have no idea what you are aiming at in the last paragraph and I’m certain neither do you.
Only took you 1 post to drop the nazi bomb. That might be a record.
Who survives if Hillary Bernie and Trump all go down in the same plane crash?
BTW…..DUH to the question about snark.
I knew I could catch at least 1 bigdumbass with that bait.
blah blah blah blah blah
Controversy JFK catholic prezznit
Sanders is a dweebish old ass daresay I jew
Never happen.
Peace be unto you
if you’re looking at country you are looking at me
youtoube “planet of the arabs”
lj. Humor me KOMRAD. What is it about my last paragraph that confuses you? I know. I know. My spelling sucked, that’s what you get when you’re typing with your thumbs on a smartphone. Aside from that, I believe even you got the message. Why would a guy as intellectually superior as you be confused about what I was conveying? Is it the 22 to 1 ratio of Russian military to American military deaths in that war that confuses you? Is it the fact that without our Russian KOMRAD’S involvement in WWII we would have lost that war?