City Hall won’t give Bruce and I PRESS passes, but a presidential campaign will! Our first shot at covering presidential politics (we will have video up soon).
The unofficial count at the event tonight was about 4,300. It certainly surprised me. I guessed that only around 1,000 would show up. But as I joked with another reporter, “Bernie ISÂ a socialist and the event is FREE.”
Of course as Obama did while campaigning here and many other celebrities have done over the years, Bernie addressed the crowd as ‘Sioux City’. When are these people gonna get it right?
Bernie talked for almost 90 minutes, touching on his key campaign issues. Slamming Wall Street, Walmart, corporate money in politics. He also talked about free college for all, single-payer healthcare, fixing our infrastructure, and bringing the ownership of this country back to the middle and working class.
Bernie’s typical stump speech, and it resonates well with working South Dakotans.
While I already voted for Bernie as and indy in the primary, I am afraid Hillary will be our nominee. Bite our tongues and Dump the Trump.