
New councilors Starr, Stehly, Selberg, Neitzert


Swearing in ceremony


Outgoing councilors Anderson and Jamison



2 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council Installation, May 17, 2016

  1. The D@ily Spin on May 17, 2016 at 8:38 pm said:

    I worry. Mostly about Theresa. Other new members will bend with Sanford pressure to preserve their livelihood. Campaign funds didn’t work but there are other ways. I’ve discovered I’m on a TSA like list here. It’s impossible to live and work here. I have other income and unaffected. I’d like to see freedom and democracy in this city but now realize we’re slaves. Possibility for revolutionary change but it will take a new form of charter and an unselfish mayor fighting for emancipation.

  2. Theresa Stehly on May 18, 2016 at 12:58 am said:

    Thanks to all who came to support us on this very special day. Working together we can make Sioux Falls a wonderful place for all our citizens to live. And we can create a culture of customer service within our city government.

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