After reading this story, you almost scratch your head as what those would be;

Gov. Dennis Daugaard announced Thursday that Governor’s Office of Economic Development commissioner Pat Costello will serve his last day on June 30.

It’s not like Pat will have to sharpen up his resume, he has several successful business ventures in Sioux Falls that will keep him busy, heck he employs a person who makes croutons!

There have been rumors he wants to take a stab a mayor again in 2018. Who knows? It could be governor?

But his early departure has one wondering. You don’t leave such a high profile job to go hide.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Does Pat Costello have political aspirations?”
  1. If only Forrest Gump was running for President. I might have glimmer. However, even he would be smart enough to no better….

  2. Can’t understand why anyone would go for mayor. The state of the city is a mess. We gave the kid a credit card and can’t buy groceries. Yes, maybe Costello. It’s gonna be croutons and water until after city bankruptcy. He’s got croutons but (post Huether) we can’t afford water.

  3. OK, competition here for a campaign slogan?

    I.e. ‘Croutons and ground pepper but no water’

  4. Bread & Water but water got expensive.

    High water rates if it’s Perrier.

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