
Unlike other non-profits in Sioux Falls, Forward Sioux Falls set a precedent last night by getting the city council (Item #56) to approve a 5 year contract (instead of year to year) for workforce development and the management of

But not without opposition.

Erpenbach pulled her typical ‘skeptical’ routine at the beginning of the discussion, than voted for it anyway. Which was too bad, because she had a great argument about signing off on a 5-year contract that would affect future councils. She must have forgotten what she was voting on, someone should have ‘REMINDED’ her.

Not only did Stehly, Starr and Neitzert vote against the contract, Greg added that if he had an opportunity he would ‘Defund’ the jobs site. I couldn’t agree more. Tax payers shouldn’t be subsidizing a employment site when there are many successful job sites in the private sector, that, and our low unemployment rate. This is a ruse to bilk tax payers into paying for classified employment ads for private industry, while doing nothing to address our real issue in Sioux Falls, WAGES!

Want to move Sioux Falls FORWARD, use the money to bring in industry that wants to pay a living wage.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Forward Sioux Falls swindles city council into a $2 million/5-year contract”
  1. This is a total waste of tax dollars. All it does is give me the job listings from with a few fancy pie charts on the side.

    If I’m looking for a job, do I really care about the statistics? No.

    This is a ridiculous use of tax dollars and to lock it in for five years is even more so.

    At the bottom of the webpage it reads “Sioux Falls Has Jobs is a free service brought to you by the City of Sioux Falls.” It should read it is a free service already provided by that we are wasting $2 million of your tax dollars for. This is unfathomable there isn’t more scrutiny being given to this wasteful, useless spending.

    This screams of kickbacks. This money could have filled a lot of potholes.

  2. Careerbuilder & Monster seem most used. Google and find more. I visited the city site. Just curiosity. From what I could tell it’s mostly jobs with the city. Why would anyone apply to the city knowing it’s only for political or paternal favors? They pay decent but it’s difficult looking busy and finding places to hide. There’s great benefits but you’ll be on the street after a new mayor is elected. Better to take low pay, long hours, county assistance, and evening meals at The Banquet.

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