
I haven’t had much time to fiddle with it, except to check agendas, but I have noticed that finding certain departments that used to have links requires an internal search.

I have spoken with IT professionals about the site, and they told me a lot has been gleaned from it (explains the extended searches, sometimes you have to actually go to google and search there to get a result.)

As you know, it wouldn’t be Detroit Lewis or DaCola if I didn’t have a conspiracy theory. Was the reconstruction of the city website done to scrub certain items? Do we even know the full scale of what was scrubbed? And SIRE still doesn’t work.

Maybe it was no accident an out-of-state contractor was used.

5 Thoughts on “Is the city’s website better after reconstruction?

  1. The D@ily Spin on June 1, 2016 at 5:35 pm said:

    SIRE hasn’t worked for 2 years. Were it not for YouTube posts, there’s no way to see what’s happening in the city. Media coverage favors Huether. Although, the Argus has come around. There’s democracy and freedom of speech everywhere but Sioux Falls.

    One would think the city web site would be functional but full of Huether political propaganda. Perhaps, there’s nothing that’s not derogatory or evidentiary.

  2. Warren_Phear on June 1, 2016 at 8:02 pm said:

    Is it better than before? Short answer. No way. It is exactly as you’ve described. The older, better version, had drop down menu’s took you nearly everywhere your heat desired. As a for instance, you wanted to the latest greatest city employee salary tables, two clicks and you were there. No so anymore. You can still get there, but it is not readily avsilable without using the search engine. Not such a big deal for those aware of it, but a big deal if you are just browsing what is available thru drop-downs.

    The kid from Roosevelt said high school kids can put together a better site for free. Sorry I can’t pick your name just right now, but you are right, this city site could have been done by high school kids. What did taxpayers pay for this again?

    Another example. I listened to a podcast rhe other day about a promising New Jersey politican. He said it cost him $250 to put this site together. Better than The SF site.

  3. blasphemo on June 1, 2016 at 9:11 pm said:

    The first option a visitor to the new site sees in the upper left corner of the home page is “PAY”. Call me crazy, but somehow that just doesn’t seem like a master stroke of genius marketing. Freudian? Perhaps. But still, LOUSY first impression – and terrible branding.

  4. How does the city justify excluding this local company?

    Sue Quanbeck Etten, Huether’s choice who has been striking out so far, failing to fix SIRE, fouled up the new financial software roll out, and has increased the turnover rate in the I.T. department, and she said the vendor had to be ‘SiteCore certified’.

    But if there are no SiteCore’ certified vendors in Sioux Falls then why is it necessary? Look at the work they’ve done. They’re all better websites than the City’s.

    Blend Interactive is SiteCore Partner certified. What’s the difference?

    The guy wrote a book on website best practices, so I can see why you’d want to exclude him (sarcasm). I can see why you jump to conspiracy theories.


  5. teatime on June 3, 2016 at 11:22 pm said:

    Just another dumbed-down website. Just use the search. Can’t have you browsing around too much you know, might see something a little too interesting.

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