June 2016

Until you are Royalty, you are not invited


A simple few questions started out our new Council in fine form. Remember the Bee Gees song, I started a Joke? This Sioux Falls City Council Informational was anything but a joke. Right after being sworn in to office, Greg Neitzert and Theresa Stehly began asking questions. The leadership and administration are trying to find ways to slow down the new members. We say, keep asking the questions, it’s going to heat things up.

Best & Worst Full-Time employers in Sioux Falls

As I was going through this past weekend’s edition of the Argus Leader I came across their yearly publication ‘Welcome’.

With employment I found some interesting numbers. Obviously, the fewer full-time staff you have, the less benefits you have to pay out, though I will admit, Hy-Vee does offer 401K, bonuses and healthcare to part-time employees. Whether they take it or not is another story.

Smithfield was the best claiming of their 3,400 employees ALL were full-time. BRAVO!

Hy-Vee was dead, dead, dead, last of their 3,347 employees only 719 were full-time (which is probably mostly management and supervisors running an army of teenagers and retirees). No wonder Milky Way can’t find anyone to work for him.

The city doesn’t fair well either, of their 1,585 employees, only 1,256 were full-time, and I heard half of them worked in the engineering department 🙂

But my favorite was the vagueness and secrecy of Walmart. They said they had 1,500 employees in Sioux Falls and that (a majority were full time). They also stated they love the environment and that 99% of their products come from the United States 🙂

Is the city’s website better after reconstruction?


I haven’t had much time to fiddle with it, except to check agendas, but I have noticed that finding certain departments that used to have links requires an internal search.

I have spoken with IT professionals about the site, and they told me a lot has been gleaned from it (explains the extended searches, sometimes you have to actually go to google and search there to get a result.)

As you know, it wouldn’t be Detroit Lewis or DaCola if I didn’t have a conspiracy theory. Was the reconstruction of the city website done to scrub certain items? Do we even know the full scale of what was scrubbed? And SIRE still doesn’t work.

Maybe it was no accident an out-of-state contractor was used.

Ironic Johnny Thune-Bag; Pick the lesser of two Evils


Oh, John, how you make me laugh, you have been in Washington for 200 years now and you still don’t do anything or know what you are talking about. You go and endorse Trump, because like, he is better then Hillary, but other then that you really have nothing else to say about Donald except that Hillary would be like Obama. Kind of sounds like a enormous endorsement of Hillary to me (because she won’t be like Obama, which worries me). But this statement really had me rolling in the hay;

Obama doesn’t adequately address terrorist threats and, as a result, the country has been put at risk.

Ok, John, I hope you washed your hands after pulling that from your ass. There has been no major terrorist attacks on US soil since Obama has been president, or at least attacks that can be directly traced to Alqueda or the Taliban or ISIS. They have either been thwarted or by lone wolves. We can’t say that about GW 911 Bush, who was warned of the World Trade Center attacks and did nothing to thwart them, then attacks Iraq which bankrupts our country. Then there’s that whole catching Osama Bin Laden, some one GW “Didn’t think about that much” You know, he was only the leader of Alqueda and the mastermind of 911. Who was president when he was caught? Oh, that’s right, Obama.

Should be no surprise that John spewed his pathetic excuse for an endorsement for Trump, like everything else that comes from his mouth or hands, as worthless as teats on a boar.