June 2016

Sioux Falls City Council Meeting, June 14, 2016


Nine minutes to paradise, that’s right only nine minutes and our public inputers screwed up a great plan. The Administration planned a short meeting so life could be enjoyed on a nice Tuesday night. But the public got in the way.

For those who have a tough time watching a full blown Tuesday night Sioux Falls City Council meeting, we give you a full blown 9 minute one to ponder (of course we aren’t showing you the hour and ten minute public input here watch the other one) from June 14, 2016.

The employee campaign shakedown was withdrawn then the item 8 transgender was withdrawn to be brought back at a later date. We will keep you informed.

Basic government stuff happened to finish the evening and an interesting ending of the video we had never experienced before. We are wondering what’s up?

Terrace Park plan gets nixed


I attended the Historic Preservation Board meeting today (hope to have video up soon) in a very crowded conference room in the basement of city hall. Many citizens showed up to protest tearing out part of one of the historic quartzite paths. I basically testified that they needed to keep the entire path, because you don’t tear down half of a historic building and build new onto the demolished half. I also pointed out the EC had over 2,000 change orders, change orders are common in construction projects, and this one should be no different. In fact besides the designer from Confluence who is designing the changes, no one in the meeting was for tearing out the paths. The board agreed;

“You guys gotta start over,” said Tom Keller, one of seven board members who voted against the plan. “I want to make sure that it’s done right, in the best way possible, and I’m (not) going to go ahead with this until I see something that doesn’t harm that park a bit.”

Dixie Hieb, chairwoman of the city’s historic preservation board, said pushing the project around the park’s 100th birthday seemed counter productive.

“It seems a little inconsistent to celebrate the history of the park by removing … a bunch of historic features,” she said.

Of course now the Parks Department and city are threatening to pull the project for this year. Oh well. The park has been fine for 100 years, one more year of waiting won’t hurt a bit, I’m just saying.

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Stormland FINALLY gets the other side of the story on the later school start date

Gee, I wonder if they got some angry phone calls?

They’ve been out of class for only a week and a half, but parent Nancy Neff, who fought for the change, feels the students benefited from that.

“I do think it was a great school year,” Neff said.

The national College Board sets the test dates, and it doesn’t consider when a district starts school. But Neff disagrees.

“I actually felt AP testing went better this year,” Neff said.

Neff says her kids were less stressed about their AP finals.

“This year they could focus on their tests and then they had a couple of weeks after AP testing to wrap up their projects and do their finals in their other courses, it really went quite smooth,” Neff said.

Wow! And that was just one parent. The funny part is that I have not heard one single complaint from a parent about the later start date. Who has been complaining? The teachers who just got our regressive sales taxes increased so they could receive raises for 9 months of work. That’s about it. They suckered the legislature for a tax increase that the voters shot down just a couple of years ago, and now they are complaining about another election because they were not ‘consulted’. Here’s the deal. We pay your wages, the property tax (and now sales tax) paying voters, we make the decisions. If you don’t like it, the private sector in Sioux Falls is hiring.

I also found it ironic that the wife (an AP teacher in Sioux Falls) of a former city councilor who constantly has sour grapes about the outdoor pool at Drake Springs was still complaining about an election that happened over 6 months ago. Better get used to it. Drake Springs has been here for over a decade, and the same old people still complain, I don’t find it any different with the start date.

Unusual Ballots occurred in Minnehaha County also

I found this story about ballots interesting;

More than 30 percent of registered voters in Pennington County went to the polls last week for the primary election. But not all of them voted when they got there.

It was a bit of a silent project according to Pennington County Auditor Julie Pearson, who said more than ten times the typical number of blank ballots were turned in.

“Yes, we received a lot of un-voted or blank ballots we counted this election versus the big elections in the fall where we might have five or ten of those out of 40 or 50,000 ballots cast,” Pearson said. “Out of 20,000, we had well over 100 ballots that were completely blank.”

Something called an ‘undervote’. A county worker here told me the same occurred here. Lot’s of foul things written on the ballots and several blank. Julie says it best;

One voter did explain in a scribbled message on the ballot.

“Some are specific. One that we can repeat is that no one is worth voting for in 2016,” Pearson said. “We even had somebody sign their ballot to that effect. We had them crossed out and there are those we can’t repeat.”

We really are in a deep hole in this country with our National and State elected officials. They are clueless.

UPDATE: Withdrawing the Transgender ordinance the right thing to do, for now

UPDATE: There was a fantastic story tonight online of the Argus about the openness of city councilor Greg Neitzert;

Greg Neitzert has been the City Council’s most vocal critic of a pair of failed proposals to expand city anti-discrimination laws for LGBT people.

His willingness to listen to a different point of view, though, won him praise Tuesday night before the controversial votes.

Sioux Falls city councilors have been reluctant to talk publicly about whether or not they think transgender people should be included in local anti-discrimination rules.

Neitzert has expressed concerns about the impact on private businesses, landlords and religious organizations, but a Sioux Falls transgender women lauded him for his compassion and thoughtfulness.

“Greg is the most open-minded person I’ve ever seen on Council. All y’all other ones never reached out to me,” Sierra Broussard said Tuesday at Carnegie Town Hall.

She said in the weeks leading up to this week’s controversial decision to indefinitely delay measures to bolster the city’s anti-discrimination rules, she sought dialogue with all eight city councilors. Neitzert was the lone councilor to spend time speaking with her.

As I told people while campaigning for Greg, he has a high level of integrity combined with intelligence. Two thumbs up!

The Sioux Falls city council pulled the (poorly drafted) ordinance tonight. When you have an actual transgender show up to the meeting and say it is poorly written, what more can you say?

Do I support anti-discrimation language being added to our city ordinances? Sure. But with everything transformational it must be vetted and an education process must be had. I felt sorry for the city council tonight, they were put in a crappy corner.

I told a person after the meeting that if you put each councilor in a room individually, and asked them to define transgender, they would all give a different answer.

Doing the right thing takes time folks, that’s why gay marriage and eventually marijuana legalization nationwide took as long as it did. We need to have people understand something before we can get them to go along with it. Forcing the city council to approve something they don’t understand isn’t fair to them or the community, or quite frankly fair to transgenders.

These things take time, to work through our courts and the halls of government. Let it be vetted fully, then we can truly celebrate diversity and equality. I love activism and free speech, but sometimes you have to know when to keep your mouth shut, it may just work in your favor.