South DaCola

Why are we here?


We have to ask, what is so wrong with neighbors showing up to a Sioux Falls City Council meeting? Why does the Leadership seem to get all flustered?

Our example presented here is democracy and the right to air citizen grievances gone amok. We elect people to hire competent staff to keep things straight. Look what happens when the weight of keeping a story straight begins to make the house of cards fall apart.

Remember this June 21, 2016 City Council meeting, a shaky stack of cards is getting ready to fall. We don’t know when but it is interesting how our city government is rattling and shaking.

We ask questions and expect answers, what’s wrong when we get a different answer to the same questions? Why are the answers to our question always, “You didn’t ask it in the right context” or something like “You should have asked it (fill in the blank) way.”

Remember the immortal words of Dolly Parton “It costs a lot to look this cheap” and consider. We have a city government of image and very little substance.

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