
The whambulance service of Sioux Falls is looking for a pay raise for giving crappy service. Our City Council Public Inputers had 5 words for the way they have been treated; Truthiness, Respect, Shame, Rights and Location. Each person who spoke to the Council let the assembled know they were tired of people dying and being abused by neglect and greed.

The Sioux Falls City Council meeting on July 5, 2016 let the city government and ambulance service know they are tired of the abuse they have been receiving (or lack thereof).

3 Thoughts on “5 Words – Sioux Falls City Council Public Input, July 5, 2016

  1. The D@ily Spin on July 8, 2016 at 11:28 am said:

    There’s a point in time when corrupt kickbacks are not worth sacrificing the lives of citizens. Bring in the better, cheaper, and faster contractor.

  2. I wonder if Jill Franken will attack those citizens herself or have KSFY do it?

  3. anonymous on July 11, 2016 at 3:18 pm said:

    Overheard (on several occasions) a Paramedics Plus employee talk about how they are chronically understaffed and about the rate of staff turnover.

    When Councilor Selberg asked a *key question* about staff turnover in Sioux Falls, (at the July 5th Council meeting) he rec’d a very evasive answer from the local head of Paramedics Plus. The rest of the Council just sat lamely by and let him get away with providing NO answer to Selberg’s question!!

    Both he and City Director Jill Franken are working overtime to cover their asses!!

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