
The Council had a few moments of golden silence on July 5, 2016. Patrick Starr brought new thoughts to the appointment process when he followed Cameraman Bruce’s comments with the suggestion to change the voting process. It is a good start but more would need to be done.

Enjoy our selected SpecialCam of the evening’s festivities. Guess which member will be our next… We never know until….

3 Thoughts on “And the winner is? July 5, 2016

  1. The D@ily Spin on July 7, 2016 at 2:47 pm said:

    It’s always a moment of silent prayer when democracy is mentioned. We should pay our respect to fallen freedom before being forced to accept more tyranny.

  2. Lemming on July 7, 2016 at 9:48 pm said:

    Great point by Bruce about the parks reps. It is sad to see that some of the councilors are so smug, it is very disheartening to see how they treat the new councilors.

  3. let’s have a vote.

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